Personal Safety Specialists
Outcome Control Training brings together a training collective of forward thinking, realistic Trainers with a wealth of experience in their chosen field. We currently deliver training to organisations and teams who work in range of settings, including Mental Health Units, Secure Transport, Dementia Care and Learning Disabilities.
We are an independent training provider based in Kent. Providing personal safety training courses accredited by the Institute of Conflict Management. We can offer a great level of flexibility to clients from risk specific course design to content and timing.
Passionate about people and risk reduction we endeavour to equip individuals, teams and companies with the ability and confidence to manage risk effectively and appropriately.
We take a realistic approach to Personal Safety and ensure that delegates benefit from real life content and real life scenarios.
Our Trainers have designed advanced programmes to meet individual, environment or company specific needs and continue to adapt and update course content whenever appropriate, in order to keep up with the ever-changing risk climate.
Our Courses are delivered on an interactive basis and actively encourage participation and discussion, we will not subject you or your staff to powerpoint overload as we don't feel people benefit from this approach.
We continue to deliver hands-on and interactive training to individuals working within health and social care sectors and the private security industry. We enjoy what we do.
Safety & Security
We pride ourselves on delivering high quality training to a variety of people and companies from a variety of backgrounds and within an array of environments and sectors.
The management and reduction of risk is our priority. For a list of the courses we provide, please visit out Training Page.
Affordable Individual & Business
We offer Business Improvement advice to businesses wishing to make changes or developments to their structures and processes.
Equally we offer professional guidance to individuals entering into SIA Appeal Processes.
For more information on this service please visit our Consultancy Page.